HCMI 3243: Health Care Economics
Spring 2024 Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM BUSN 106
Instructor: Shane Murphy; Email: shane@uconn.edu; Website: https://shane-murphy.uconn.edu/teaching/spring-2022-hcmi-5243/; Office: BUSN 460
Office Hours: Wednesday 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM and by appointment
This is the website for HCMI 3243: Health Care Economics. The syllabus can be found on HuskyCT.
On this page you can find a calendar which includes links to materials from each week and lists the weeks readings. Homework assignments are to do a reading response for one of the readings and are listed on HuskyCT.
Quiz make-up assignment description is on HuskyCT. Articles for quiz make-ups should be chosen from Health Affairs Blog, News@JAMA, or Kaiser Health News. Information about the exams and paper replication will also be posted to HuskyCT.
Course Schedule:
(for off campus access, you may need to use the UConn VPN)
January 17: Intro and Prices (slides)
* Anderson, Gerard F., Peter Hussey, and Varduhi Petrosyan. “It’s still the prices, stupid: why the US spends so much on health care, and a tribute to Uwe Reinhardt.” Health Affairs 38, no. 1 (2019): 87-95.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 2
January 19: Prices, Supply and Demand (slides)
* Anderson, Gerard F., Peter Hussey, and Varduhi Petrosyan. “It’s still the prices, stupid: why the US spends so much on health care, and a tribute to Uwe Reinhardt.” Health Affairs 38, no. 1 (2019): 87-95.
January 23: Optimization (slides)
*(optional) Wagstaff, Adam. “The demand for health: theory and applications.” Journal of epidemiology and community health 40, no. 1 (1986): 1.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 3
January 25: Supply of healthcare (slides)
January 30: Optimization (slides)
* Cutler, David M., Edward L. Glaeser, and Jesse M. Shapiro. “Why have Americans become more obese?.” Journal of Economic perspectives 17, no. 3 (2003): 93-118.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 6
February 1: Optimization (slides)
* Cutler, David M., Edward L. Glaeser, and Jesse M. Shapiro. “Why have Americans become more obese?.” Journal of Economic perspectives 17, no. 3 (2003): 93-118.
February 6: Markets (slides)
* Sloan, Frank A., and Vivian G. Valdmanis. “Relative Productivity of For-Profit Hospitals: A Big or a Little Deal?.” Medical Care Research and Review (2023): 10775587221142268.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 5, 7
February 8: Markets (slides)
* Sloan, Frank A., and Vivian G. Valdmanis. “Relative Productivity of For-Profit Hospitals: A Big or a Little Deal?.” Medical Care Research and Review (2023): 10775587221142268.
February 13: Market failures (slides)
* Romanello, Marina, Claudia Di Napoli, Carole Green, Harry Kennard, Pete Lampard, Daniel Scamman, Maria Walawender et al. “The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms.” The Lancet 402, no. 10419 (2023): 2346-2394.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 8-11
February 15: Market failures (slides)
* Romanello, Marina, Claudia Di Napoli, Carole Green, Harry Kennard, Pete Lampard, Daniel Scamman, Maria Walawender et al. “The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms.” The Lancet 402, no. 10419 (2023): 2346-2394.
*(optional) Shapiro, MacDonald, Greenlaw. Principles of Macroeconomics 3e. OpenStax College, 2022 Chapter 12-13
February 20: Econometrics (slides)
February 22: R (slides)
February 27: R and Econometrics (slides)
February 29: R and Econometrics (slides)
March 5: Midterm review (slides)
March 7: Midterm
March 19: Insurance (slides)
March 21: Insurance (slides)
March 26: Health Experiments (slides)
* Card, David, Carlos Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas. “Does Medicare save lives?.” The quarterly journal of economics 124, no. 2 (2009): 597-636.
March 28: Medicare, Medicaid, The ACA (slides)
April 2: Macroeconomics, Fiscal Stabilizers, and Cost-effectiveness (slides)
April 4: Hospitals in the US and IO (slides)
* Laurant, Miranda, David Reeves, Rosella Hermens, Jose Braspenning, Richard Grol, and Bonnie Sibbald. “Substitution of doctors by nurses in primary care.” Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2 (2005).
April 9: Cost of healthcare (slides)
April 11: Cost of healthcare discussion (slides)
April 16: Healthcare around the world (slides)
April 18: Healthcare around the world discussion (slides)
April 23: Policy (slides)
April 25: Wrap-up (slides)