
The final exam is scheduled for finals week on December 12 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. It is planned that the exam take 75 minutes, but the whole time will be available on that date. As an option, you may take it in class on Wednesday, December 5 (with no extra time allowed). The exam will be closed book. This page includes a few pointers that will help you in preparing for the exam. You should also study the homework and quizes. Here is our review quiz from December 3

Study guide

To study for the exam, I recommend going through the slides and your notes. Pay special attention to the readings and slides from October 8, 17, and 29 – particularly the readings: Quadagno 2004, Antonisse 2017. The final review slides (linked above) provide a good topics list. For each slide, think about two or three alternative versions of the question asked. Feel free to email me any questions you have, and I will be in my office hours during finals week should you want to stop by. Good luck!