HCMI 3240: Introduction to Health Care Management
Spring 2025 MW 2:00-3:15 ITE 336
Instructor: Shane Murphy; Email: shane@uconn.edu; Website: https://shane-murphy.uconn.edu; Office: BUSN 460
Office Hours: TBD and by appointment
Materials including the syllabus can be found on HuskyCT
On this page you can find a calendar which includes links to materials from each week and lists the weeks readings. Homework assignments are to do a reading response for one of the readings and are listed on HuskyCT. Material about the midterm, final, and paper are also on HuskyCT.
Optional textbook: Olden, Peter C. and Erwin, Cathleen O. Management of Healthcare Organizations, An Introduction (I’m using 4th Edition, 2023)
Course Schedule:
(for off campus access, you may need to use the UConn VPN)
January 22: Landscape of health in the US (slides)
• Fuchs, Victor R. “Major trends in the US health economy since 1950.” New England Journal of Medicine 366, no. 11 (2012): 973-977.
• (optional) Grossman, Michael. “The demand for health, 30 years later: a very personal retrospective and prospective reflection.” Journal of health economics 23, no. 4 (2004): 629-636.
• (optional) Dieleman, Joseph L., et al. “US spending on personal health care and public health, 1996-2013.” Jama 316.24 (2016): 2627-2646.
• (optional) Mokdad, Ali H., Katherine Ballestros, Michelle Echko, Scott Glenn, Helen E. Olsen, Erin Mullany, Alex Lee et al. “The state of US health, 1990-2016: burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors among US states.” Jama 319, no. 14 (2018): 1444-1472.
• (optional) Alan Krueger | Keynote 3 | Subjective Well Being Over The Life Course
January 27: Future of health care management (slides)
January 29: Complexity in healthcare (slides)
February 3: BS and ethics in healthcare (slides)
February 5: BS, Ethics, AI, and trilemmas (slides)
February 10: HealthCare Organizational Structure (slides)
February 12: More on Hospitals (slides)
February 17: Public Health Management (slides)
February 19: Operations Management (slides)
February 24: Operations Management (slides)
February 26: Operations Management (slides)
March 3: Operations Management (slides)
March 5: Alternative Perspectives on JIT/Lean Manufacturing (slides)
March 10: Midterm Review
March 12: Midterm
March 24:
March 26: Review Midterm
March 31: Nursing staffing (slides)
April 2: Markets and market failures (slides)
April 7: Mental Health Care and Mental Health Care Organizations (slides)
April 9: US Healthcare System (slides)
April 14: Labor and the foundations of the meds and eds economy (slides)
April 16: Vertical integration (slides)
April 21: Future of healthcare(?) (slides)
April 23: