HCMI 4448: Clinical and Social Issues in Health Care
Spring 2025 Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 AM – 10:50 AM BUSN 227
Instructor: Shane Murphy; Email: shane@uconn.edu; Website: https://shane-murphy.uconn.edu/teaching/spring-2022-hcmi-5243/; Office: BUSN 460
Office Hours:TBD and by appointment
This is the website for HCMI 4225: Health and Social Insurance. The syllabus can be found on HuskyCT.
On this page you can find a calendar which includes links to materials from each week and lists the weeks readings. Homework assignments are to do a reading response for one of the readings and are listed on HuskyCT.
Quiz make-up assignment description is on HuskyCT. Articles for quiz make-ups should be chosen from Health Affairs Blog, News@JAMA, or Kaiser Health News. Information about the exams and paper will also be posted to HuskyCT.
Course Schedule:
(for off campus access, you may need to use the UConn VPN)
January 21: Intro and US Epidemiology (slides)
*(optional) Mokdad, Ali H., Katherine Ballestros, Michelle Echko, Scott Glenn, Helen E. Olsen, Erin Mullany, Alex Lee et al. “The state of US health, 1990-2016: burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors among US states.” Jama 319, no. 14 (2018): 1444-1472.
*(optional) Fuchs, Victor R. “Major trends in the US health economy since 1950.” New England Journal of Medicine 366, no. 11 (2012): 973-977.
January 23: Economics of Insurance (slides)
*(optional) Nyman, John A. “Is ‘moral hazard’ inefficient? The policy implications of a new theory.” Health Affairs 23, no. 5 (2004): 194-199.
January 28: History of health and social insurance: pre-New Deal to New Deal (slides)
* Skocpol, Theda. “State Formation and Social Policy in the United States.” In Social Policy in the United States: Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective, 172:11–36. Princeton University Press, 1995. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv10crf5v.5.
January 30: History of health and social insurance: New Deal to WWII (slides)
February 4: History of health and social insurance: WWII – Great Society (slides)
* Quadagno, Jill. “Why the United States has no national health insurance: Stakeholder mobilization against the welfare state, 1945-1996.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior (2004): 25-44.
February 6: History of health and social insurance: Great Society – 1990s (slides)
February 11: History of health and social insurance: ACA (slides)
* Obama, Barack. “United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps.” Jama 316, no. 5 (2016): 525-532.
February 13: History of health and social insurance: ACA – Bidenomics (slides)
February 18: Effects of Medicare and Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion (No class, Snow day) (slides)
* Card, David, Carlos Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas. “Does Medicare save lives?.” The quarterly journal of economics 124, no. 2 (2009): 597-636.
February 20: Public Goods (slides)
February 25: Effects of Medicare and Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion (material skipped during snow day), rights (slides)
February 27: Rights (slides)
March 4: Right to Health Care (slides)
March 6: Midterm Review (slides)
March11: Midterm
March 13: Public Insurance and Provision for Subgroups: Tricare and the VA, Indian Health Services, Medicaid and Medicare (slides)
March 25: Macroeconomics (slides)
March 27: Fiscal Stabilizers (slides)
April 1: Workfare (slides)
April 3: Reform and Conservativism (slides)
April 8: Reform and Progressivism (slides)
April 10: Reform Discussion (slides)
April 15: Healthcare around the world (slides)
April 17: Healthcare around the world discussion (slides)
April 22: Payments (slides)
April 24: IO, Consumer behavior (slides)
April 29: Student Health Insurance (slides)
May 1: Wrap-up (slides)