The exam is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4. If there is inclement weather, this will be rescheduled to the university set final exam period, Saturday, December 14 from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM. If you cannot sit for that time, let me know as soon as possible!
The exam will consist of 10%-20% questions from material covered before the midterm and 80%-90% material since the midterm. For an idea of the topics covered, focus on the material covered in slides in class and in the questions from the review day, including material related to “wrong” answers (see slides here).
I anticipate more fill in the blank questions and fewer multiple choice questions on the exam compared to the midterm. I also anticipate short answer questions to relate to reform proposals. The slides do not cover our reform discussion in much depth, although I anticipate a few questions from that material. A recent article about health care reform I intend to use to help me in writing those questions is here. My intention is to use the viewpoints of the different experts in that article to frame questions about reform proposals and the logic behind the proposals.
I am happy to answer any questions you have!