Fall 2018 – HCMI 4225: Health and Social Insurance

HCMI 4225: Health and Social Insurance
Fall 2018 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Mon & Wed Room BUSN 203
Instructor: Shane Murphy; Email: shane@uconn.edu; Office: BUSN 460
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 12:30 AM – 2:00 PM and by appointment

This is the website for HCMI 4225: Health and Social Insurance. The syllabus can be found here.

On this page you can find a calendar which includes links to materials from each week and the weeks readings. Homework assignments are here.

Information about the midterm exam is here.

Information about the final exam is here.

Information about the final paper is here.

Course Schedule:

August 27: Health Landscape and Health Costs (slides)
*Dieleman, Joseph L., et al. “US spending on personal health care and public health, 1996-2013.” Jama 316.24 (2016): 2627-2646.
*Dieleman, Joseph L., Ellen Squires, Anthony L. Bui, Madeline Campbell, Abigail Chapin, Hannah Hamavid, Cody Horst et al. “Factors associated with increases in US health care spending, 1996-2013.” Jama 318, no. 17 (2017): 1668-1678.
*Fuchs, Victor R. “Major trends in the US health economy since 1950.” New England Journal of Medicine 366, no. 11 (2012): 973-977.
Dieleman, Joseph L., Ellen Squires, Anthony L. Bui, Madeline Campbell, Abigail Chapin, Hannah Hamavid, Cody Horst et al. “Factors associated with increases in US health care spending, 1996-2013.” Jama 318, no. 17 (2017): 1668-1678.

August 29: Health Financing Worldwide (slides)
*Chapter 3 and Conclusion of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Development Assistance, Public and Private Health Spending for the Pursuit of Universal Health Coverage, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2017): 69-84

September 5: Financing Health in the United States (slides)
*Tables and US Chapter of Mossialos, Elias, Martin Wenzl, Robin Osborn, and Dana Sarnak. 2015 international profiles of health care systems. The Commonwealth Fund, 2016. (http://wwww.issuelab.org/resources/25100/25100.pdf) p6-9, 171-179
Hamavid, Hannah, Maxwell Birger, Anne G. Bulchis, Liya Lomsadze, Jonathan Joseph, Ranju Baral, Anthony L. Bui, Cody Horst, Elizabeth Johnson, and Joseph L. Dieleman. “Assessing the complex and evolving relationship between charges and payments in US hospitals: 1996–2012.” PloS one 11, no. 7 (2016): e0157912.

September 10: Economics of Health Insurance (slides)
*Klein, Robert. (2014). A Primer on The Economics of Insurance.
Santerre and Neun. (2013). Chapter 5, 6, and 11

September 12: Economics of Health Insurance (slides)
*Klein, Robert. (2014). A Primer on The Economics of Insurance.
Santerre and Neun. (2013). Chapter 5, 6, and 11

September 17: Economics of Health Insurance (slides)
*Klein, Robert. (2014). A Primer on The Economics of Insurance.
Santerre and Neun. (2013). Chapter 5, 6, and 11

September 19: History of Insurance: Mutual Aid Societies (slides)
*Cutler, David M., and Richard Johnson. “The birth and growth of the social insurance state: Explaining old age and medical insurance across countries.” Public Choice 120, no. 1-2 (2004): 87-121.

September 24: History of Insurance: Social Insurance (slides)
*Cutler, David M., and Richard Johnson. “The birth and growth of the social insurance state: Explaining old age and medical insurance across countries.” Public Choice 120, no. 1-2 (2004): 87-121.
*Guyton, Gregory P. “A brief history of workers’ compensation.” The Iowa orthopaedic journal 19 (1999): 106.
*Hu, Aiqun, and Patrick Manning. “The global social insurance movement since the 1880s.” Journal of Global History 5, no. 1 (2010): 125-148.

September 26: History of Insurance: Social Security (slides)
*Wilbur J.. Cohen, and Milton Friedman. Social Security: Universal or Selective?. American enterprise institute for public research, 1972.
on youtube or in print
*Also read the Wikipedia pages on Cohen and Friedman
*DeWitt, Larry. “Research Note #25: Ponzi Schemes vs. Social Security.” Historians Office, Social Security Administration.

October 1: Social Security (slides)
*Wilbur J.. Cohen, and Milton Friedman. Social Security: Universal or Selective?. American enterprise institute for public research, 1972.
on youtube or in print
*Also read the Wikipedia pages on Cohen and Friedman
*DeWitt, Larry. “Research Note #25: Ponzi Schemes vs. Social Security.” Historians Office, Social Security Administration.

October 3: History of Public Insurance legislation (slides)
*Quadagno, Jill. “Why the United States has no national health insurance: Stakeholder mobilization against the welfare state, 1945-1996.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior (2004): 25-44.
*Blendon, Robert J., and John M. Benson. “Americans’ views on health policy: a fifty-year historical perspective.” Health Affairs 20, no. 2 (2001): 33-46.

October 8: Why the United States Has No National Health Insurance (slides)
*Quadagno, Jill. “Why the United States has no national health insurance: Stakeholder mobilization against the welfare state, 1945-1996.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior (2004): 25-44.
*Blendon, Robert J., and John M. Benson. “Americans’ views on health policy: a fifty-year historical perspective.” Health Affairs 20, no. 2 (2001): 33-46.

October 17: Health Insurance Experiments (slides)
*Brook, Robert H., Emmett B. Keeler, Kathleen N. Lohr, Joseph P. Newhouse, John E. Ware, William H. Rogers, A. Ross Davies et al. “The health insurance experiment: A classic RAND study speaks to the current health care reform debate.” Santa Monica. RAND Corporation (2006). (https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_briefs/2006/RAND_RB9174.pdf)
*“The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment, ” Health Affairs Health Policy Brief, July 16, 2015. (https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hpb20150716.236899/full/)

October 22: Affordable Care Act (slides)
*Obama, Barack. “United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps.” Jama 316, no. 5 (2016): 525-532.
*“Summary of the Affordable Care Act.” KFF, April 23, 2013: http://files.kff.org/attachment/fact-sheet-summary-of-the-affordable-care-act

October 24: Affordable Care Act (slides)
*Obama, Barack. “United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps.” Jama 316, no. 5 (2016): 525-532.
*“Summary of the Affordable Care Act.” KFF, April 23, 2013: http://files.kff.org/attachment/fact-sheet-summary-of-the-affordable-care-act

October 29: Effects of the Affordable Care Act (slides)
*Obama, Barack. “United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps.” Jama 316, no. 5 (2016): 525-532.
*Courtemanche, Charles, James Marton, Benjamin Ukert, Aaron Yelowitz, and Daniela Zapata. “Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access, Risky Health Behaviors, and Self‐Assessed Health.” Southern Economic Journal 84, no. 3 (2018): 660-691.
*Antonisse, Larisa, Rachel Garfield, Robin Rudowitz, and Samantha Artiga. “The effects of Medicaid expansion under the ACA: Updated findings from a literature review.” (2017). KFF

October 31: Payments and Quality (slides)
* Kaiser Family Foundation: Private Health Insurance 101
* Mendelson, Aaron, Karli Kondo, Cheryl Damberg, Allison Low, Makalapua Motúapuaka, Michele Freeman, Maya O’neil, Rose Relevo, and Devan Kansagara. “The effects of pay-for-performance programs on health, health care use, and processes of care: a systematic review.” Annals of internal medicine 166, no. 5 (2017): 341-353.

November 5: ACA Marketplace (slides)

November 7: Health Insurance Financials (slides)
* Reinhardt, Uwe. “Where does the health insurance premium dollar go?.” Jama 317, no. 22 (2017): 2269-2270.
* Pozen, Alexis, and David M. Cutler. “Medical spending differences in the United States and Canada: the role of prices, procedures, and administrative expenses.” INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47, no. 2 (2010): 124-134.

November 12: Accountable Care Organizations (slides)
* Kaufman, Brystana G., B. Steven Spivack, Sally C. Stearns, Paula H. Song, and Emily C. O’Brien. “Impact of accountable care organizations on utilization, care, and outcomes: a systematic review.” Medical Care Research and Review(2017): 1077558717745916.

November 14: CVS-Aetna merger (slides)

November 26: Comparing National Health Systems (slides)

November 28: US Health Insurance Reform – Medicare for all (slides)
* Seidman, Laurence. “The Affordable Care Act versus Medicare for All.” Journal of health politics, policy and law 40, no. 4 (2015): 911-921.
* Pollack, Harold. “Medicare for All—If It Were Politically Possible—Would Necessarily Replicate the Defects of Our Current System.” Journal of health politics, policy and law 40, no. 4 (2015): 923-931.